The Italian Psychoanalytic Annual
Available Volumes

(English; 2007-current)

The full text of this journal is available up through the current issue for all PEP Archive subscribers.

Since 2007 The Italian Psychoanalytic Annual presents a selection in English of the papers published during the previous year in the Ri­vista di Psicoanalisi, the journal of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society.
Its aim is to make Italian psy­choanalysis known beyond its linguistic boundaries and to help it to take its place on the international psychoanalytic stage, adequately representing its polyphonic nature and, in the variety of tones which characterise it, to accentuate the harmony and originality of its voice. The challenge that Rivista di Psicoanalisi has set itself is to facilitate dialogue among this plurality so as to ensure that the meeting is fruitful, within the rigours of the method.

Alberto Luchetti 

Assistant Editor
Paolo Chiari

Sara Boffito, Maria Ponsi

PUBLISHED BY Raffaello Cortina Editore

ISSN: 2283-4400