Available Volumes

(German; 1912-1937)

The full text of this journal is available up to 1937 for all PEP Archive subscribers.

Freud began the publication of Imago in 1912, editing it with the assistance of Otto Rank and Hanns Sachs. Its subtitle Zeitschrift für Anwendung der Psychoanalyse auf die Geisteswissenschaften, defined its concern as the application of psychoanalysis to the humanities. The journal continued under this title until 1937, when it suspended publication for a year. In 1939, it combined with the Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse under the title of Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse una Imago, and ran from volume 24, 1939 through volume 26, 1941. The journal was the official organ of the international psychoanalytic movement. 

Founding Editors
Sigmund Freud
Otto Rank
Hanns Sachs

PUBLISHED BY Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag

ISSN: 0536-5554
EISSN: 2702-3842