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(German; 1988-current)
Luzifer-Amor is the only German-language and worldwide the oldest special journal for the history of psychoanalysis (founded in 1988). Its subject matter covers a wide spectrum: Freud's life, work and historical context, the life and work of post-Freudian analysts, including Nazi emigration, the history of psychoanalytic organisations, including the problems of training, the development of psychoanalytic theory and practice, the history of the impact of psychoanalysis in areas such as medicine, education or literature. The point of reference for all contributions is the Freudian tradition, but without association.
It is a characteristic of Luzifer-Amor that interesting source texts that were previously unpublished or forgotten are repeatedly printed. In the review section, an attempt is made to include all relevant new German-language publications. The journal is the co-organizer of the symposium on the history of psychoanalysis, which takes place annually in Berlin.
Michael Giefer
Ludger M. Hermanns
Rainer Herrn
Michael Schröter
PUBLISHED BY Brandes & Apsel Verlag
ISSN: 0933-3347
EISSN: 2191-7779