The Psychoanalytic Review
Available Volumes

The PEP Archive contains the full-text content of all of the volumes above. Due to contracts with the publishers, there is a three year moving wall (embargo of current articles) for most journals. You can browse the tables of contents up through the current issue, and searches include the complete text of the articles, but only the titles and abstracts (or summaries) will be displayed for articles from 2021 and newer. For details on how to read the full text of 2021 and more current articles see the publishers official website here.

(English; 1913-current)

The Psychoanalytic Review
was founded in 1913 as the first English-language journal dedicated to psychoanalysis, four years after Freud’s only visit to the U.S. Its co-founders and editors advocated that the journal present general psychodynamic and psychoanalytic perspective on behavior that was free of sectarian bias.

Currently a leading forum of critical discourse in psychoanalysis, The Psychoanalytic Review is highly respected for its penetrating analyses of contemporary theory and practice. The journal devotes special issues to important themes and thinkers, and reviews current films and books that hold significance for the psychoanalytic community. 

Interim Editor
Aleksandra Wagner

Editorial Board
Gary Ahlskog, Beth A, Althofer, John Augliera, Helene Bass-Wichelhaus, Diane Clemente, Paul Cooper, Gerald J. Gargiulo, James Holmes, Warren Holt, Carl Jacobs, Lee Jenkins, Judy Ann Kaplan [Education], Jane Kupersmidt, Debra Kuppersmith, Victoria Malkin, Michael Mashberg, Douglas Maxwell [Art], Sue Mitchell Merle Molofsky, Art Pomponio, Patricia Precin, Gavriel Reisner, Arnold Richards, Ruth Rosenbaum, Joyce Rosenberg, David Smyth, Stefanie Teitelbaum, Michael P. Varga, Peter Zimmermann.

PUBLISHED BY Guilford Press

ISSN: 0033-2836
EISSN: 1943-3301