(2002) Howard F. Stein, Nothing Personal, just Business. A Guided Journey into Organizational Darkness. Westport (Connecticut), and London: Quorum Books, 2001, pp. 166, £ 54.95 (hbk); Howard F. Stein, Seth Allcorn, Euphemism, Spin, and the Crisis in Organizational Life. Westport (Connecticut) and London: Quorum Books, 1998, pp. 172, £ 48.50 (hbk); Seth Allcorn, Howell S. Baum, Michael A. Diamond, Howard F. Stein, The Human Cost of a Management Failure. Westport (Connecticut) and London: Quorum Books, 1996, pp. 276, £ 58.50 (hbk).. Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane 36:126