Verbruggen, G. (2009) Trilogie van de relationele psychoanalyse: Bespreking van: Stephen A. Mitchell & Lewis Aron (red.) (1999). Relational psychoanalysis — The emergence of a tradition. New York/Londen: The Analytic Press. ISBN 0 88163 270 8, 514 pp. Lewis Aron & A. Harris (red.) (2005). Relational psychoanalysis — Innovation and expansion. Hillsdale/Londen: The Analytic Press. ISBN 0 88163 407 7, 490 pp. Melanie Suchet, Adrienne Harris & Lewis Aron (red.) (2007). Relational psychoanalysis — New voices. Mahwah/Londen: The Analytic Press. ISBN 0 88163 456 5, 330 pp. (3 delen samen: £ 62,-). Tijdschrift voor psychoanalyse 15:206-207