The Interpersonal Psychoanalytic Approach to Working with Veterans
Andrew Berry Clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst practicing in Saratoga County New York.
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
New York, New York and
Beth Israel Medical Center
New York, New York
The incest taboo appears in some form in every culture (Murdock 1949), yet incestuous behavior occurs among virtually all peoples of the world.
Berry Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst, The Psychoanalytic Institute of New York Medical College.
Psychoanalysis Unit, Department of Psychology, University College London
Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT, UK
psychosexualitysex therapymen's sexualityhistory of treatmentsexual dysfunction
The dominant treatment methods for male sexual dysfunction are currently biomedical and pharmacological.
Michael D. Berry
Psychoanalysis Unit, Department of Psychology, University College London,
Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT, UK
197556365-366From Fantasy to Reality in the Transference: A Reply to the Discussion by Pedro LuzesNicoleBerry
Nicole Berry100 Impasse Rollon.
If I have addressed myself to what the patient does to the real image of the analyst in the treatment, this is certainly not to say that the real aim of the analysis is to discover the reality of the analyst (Berry-Bertrand, 1974), especially if by reality one means the 'objective' reality, which seems to be a point which Luzes has understood in his discussion of my paper (Luzes, 1974).
Nicole Berry
100, impasse Rollon
76230 Bois-Guillaume
La psychanalyse, après avoir été centrée sur le désir inconscient, au risque, peut-être, de méconnaître ou de minimiser les besoins du moi et du narcissisme, s'est occupée préférentiellement, ces vingt dernières années, de la pathologie du moi, des besoins et des traumatismes narcissiques, au risque, cette fois, de méconnaître le désir inconscient et d'ignorer la généralité du conflit œdipien, une théorie faisant écran par rapport à une autre.
Berry (N.), De l'interprétation au narcissisme du psychanalyste, Bulletin de la Fédération européenne, n° 13.
Berry (N.), Le roman original, Nouvelle Revue de Psychanalyse, n° 19, L'enfant, 1979.
197455471-477From Fantasy to Reality in the Transference (Or the Double Aspect of the Psychoanalyst)NicoleBerry-Bertrand
Nicole Berry-BertrandImpasse Rollon76 BoisguillaumeRouen, France
Putting myself in the place of the patient rather than that of the analyst, I would like to stress the aspect of analytic work which I consider essential, from the setting up of transference to the resolution of the transference neurosis and beyond, namely the confrontation which continuously takes place in the patient's mind between his fantasies of the analyst at a given moment and the analyst's reality in his analytic practice.
Berry-Teichner Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst, New York Medical College.
Coming into Being …
Sarah Berry-Tschinkel (USA) is a Jungian analyst who practices in New York City and in the Hudson River Valley town of Cold Spring, NY.
JaniceBerry Edwards
Janice Berry Edwards, Ph.D., LICSW, LCSW-C, ACSW, BCD, is Associate Professor at Howard University School of Social Work.Janice Berry Edwards, Ph.D., LICSW, LCSW-C, ACSW, BCD janice.edwards@howard.edu 12249 Tildenwood Drive, Rockville, MD 20852.
This has been the first author's experience (Oliveira-Berry, 2003).
Opponents claim that only a small fraction of psychologists are interested in prescriptive authority.
Metropolitan Hospital Center
New York, New York
New York Medical College
New York, New York
Beth Israel Medical Center
New York, New York
and Mount Sinai School of Medicine
New York, New York
At least 5% of the population of the United States are people from Spanish-speaking cultures.
Holding and Treating Severe Disturbance in the NHS: The Containment of Borderline Personality Disorders in a Therapeutic Environment
Jean White
Denise Berry Occupational Therapist
Joy Dalton
Geoff Napthine Occupational Therapist
Bill Prendeville Team Co-ordinator
Judith Roberts Occupational Therapist
Belle Ridley Day Hospital, Waterlow Unit
Highgate Hill, London N19 5NX.
Dr Joy Dalton is Consultant Psychiatrist, Bill Prendeville Rmn is Team Co-ordinator, and Denise Berry Rmn, Geoff Napthine Rmn and Judith Roberts (Occupational Therapist) are all members of the staff team.
First drafts or notes of different parts of this paper were
written by Jean White, Denise Berry, Judith Roberts and Bill Prendeville, and Dr Joy Dalton then added a section.