Think of the emergence of Milos Forman from the tumult of pre-1968 Prague; Vittorio De Sica and Roberto Rossellini in post-World War II Italy; Zhang Yimou (“Ju Dou,” “Raise the Red Lantern”) from Tiananmen Square-era
Film Critic, The Jerusalem Post, Jerusalem, Israel; e-mail:
L'envie et les mérites de Salieri
En dépit du fait qu'il ne coîncide pas avec les événements historiques, le Salieri de Milos Forman et Peter Schaffer est resté dans l'imagination des amateurs d'art comme l'incarnation paradigmatique de l'envie.
Envy and Salieri's merits
Despite not coinciding with the historic events, Milos Forman and Peter Schaffer's Salieri has been left in the imagination of art lovers as the paradigmatic incarnation of envy.
After a long winter of oppressive rule imposed by post-war Communism, the “Prague Spring” in the 1960s had brought an eight-year period of political reformation, together with an explosion of creative freedom that included works from such writers as Milan Kundera, Arnost Lustig, Milos Forman, and Jiri Menzl. Cultural life thrived.
Domino found greater negative attitudes of college students toward the mentally ill following their viewing of One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (Milos Forman, 1975). Wahl and Lefkowits (1989) found that a television movie featuring a violent mentally ill patient generated negative attitudes and beliefs about the mentally ill in a college student sample.
Un sacerdote escucha su confesión y de ella va surgiendo el filme que, según ha declarado el propio Milos Forman, narra la historia de un hombre empujado por la envidia y carcomido por los celos.
They included his brother, Ivan Havel, close friends from childhood including Milos Forman, the
Table 1. Interviews with Family, Friends, and Associates of President Havel
Interview withNature of the Relationship with HavelPlaceDate
Vaclav BrichachekpsychologistPragueApril 1997
Milos Formanfilm director; childhood friendNew YorkMay 1997
Ivan HavelbrotherPragueApril 1997
Vojteck Jasnydocumentary film makerNew YorkMay 1997
William Lourdesformer United States Ambassador to CzechoslovakiaNew YorkSeptember 1996
Andrew NagorskyMoscow Bureau Chief, NewsweekMoscowAugust 1996
Radim Palousformer rector, Charles University; dissident & friendPragueApril 1997
Peter PolednakDirector, Czech CenterNew YorkOctober 1996
Joska Skalnikartist, dissident, prisoner, and close friendPragueApril 1997
Zdenek Urbaneklifelong friend and fellow Charter 77 authorPragueApril 1997
Marie WinnjournalistNew YorkMay 1997
Ken Woodwardwriter, NewsweekNew YorkSeptember 1996
film director, and colleagues such as William Luers, the former United States Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, and current president of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
For instance, when Havel was serving his 4 12 year prison term for dissident activity, his lifelong friend, Milos Forman, made extensive arrangements for Havel to come to the United States on a theatrical fellowship with the Joseph Papp Theater in New York.
(1991), Turnaround: A Memoir of Milos Forman, Villard Books, New York.
In Kohutscher Tradition diagnostiziert der Autor die Beziehung zwischen dem Protagonisten McMurphy (Jack Nicholson) und dem katatonen jungen Indianer Chief in »Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest« (Milos Forman, 1975) als »zweite Chance im Sinne eines Wechsels von der Beziehung zu einer frustrierenden, unempatischen Mutter hin zur Suche nach einem väterlichen Ich-Ideal« (Milos Forman, 1975, S.