The Interruption of Mourning by Grievance
This paper arises from a reading of Hamletin which I was struck that the conflicts faced by Hamlet are similar to those of a bereaved person in the course of mourning.
Irgendwann müssen wir uns von unseren Geistern trennen, aber zuerst müssen sie zum Leben erweckt werden.
MourninginHamlet: TurningAncestralGhostsintoAncestors.
The trick is you have to turn your ghostsintoancestors. Ghosts haunt you.
The phrase, “Turningghostsintoancestors” was coined by the American psychoanalyst Hans Loewald, (1960), and used to describe a major achievement in analysis that can allow arrested development to be resumed.
“Ghosted and Ancestral Selves inHamlet: Loewald’s “Present Life” and Winnicott’s “Potential Space” in Shakespeare’s Play.”