The Trial, by Franz Kafka, adapted by Nick Gill, directed by Richard Jones, Young Vic, London, 19 July-22 August, 2015
Duncan Branley Psychosexual and relationship therapist.
Hans und Otto Gross, Sigmund Freud und Franz Kafka. Wien (Böhlau) 2003, 280 Seiten. 24.90 Euro.
Denkwürdig muß jene von Dienes zitierte nächtliche Bahnfahrt im Juli 1917 von Budapest nach Prag gewesen sein, auf der Franz Kafka Otto Gross kennenlernte: »Groß aber erzählte mir etwas fast die ganze Nacht … Er erläuterte seine Lehre an einer Bibelstelle, die ich nicht kannte … Unaufhörlich zerlegte er diese Stelle, unaufhörlich brachte er neues Material, unaufhörlich verlangte er meine Zustimmung.
Gefühle der Angst und der Einsamkeit begleiteten Franz Kafka von früh
Psychoanalytic observations regarding Franz Kafka. — The author investigates the effeet of typical traumata upon the development of Kafka's talent.
(1974): Äber Franz Kafka. Frankfurt/M.
Canetti, E.
(1958): Franz Kafka. Eine Biographie seiner Jugend.
(1967): Psyche and Tuberculosis: The Libido Organization of Franz Kafka. Psa. Study Society, 4, 185-251.
We are still a long way from understanding and appreciating Franz Kafka. The conclusive book on him has not yet been written and will not be written until all of his work has been published.
Looking at Kafka himself — Gregor Samsa alias Franz Kafka — we find the same constellation; the relations between his father and himself were badly strained, with the mother in the middle and the sisters as a group by itself.
Kafka, the author, chose the latter one: The metamorphosis of Gregor Samsa alias Franz Kafka alias Georg Bendemann into a vermin represents the introverted death-wish ending with a semi-suicide in the case of Gregor — after all, it is he who brought about the metamorphosis and consequent death —, with a direct suicide in the case of Georg who jumps to his death, and with an indirect suicide in the case of Franz Kafka himself who said to Max Brod, referring to his tuberculosis, that his head had made an appointment with his lungs behind his back… (28) He made his own mind responsible for his eventual mortal infection.
See “Franz Kafka: An American Bibliography,” by Klaus W.
Quotations are from Franz Kafka, Gesammelte Werke, edited by Max Brod (New York, Schocken Books, Vol.
A Country Doctor: The Narrator as Dreamer
Katherine Stockholder
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.
The psycho-sexual dynamic that emerges as the drama of this story is more consistent with the findings of Hall and Lind in Dreams, Life, and Literature—A Study of Franz Kafka (Chapel Hill, 1970) than with the argument Ruth Tiefenbrun presents in Moment of Torment (Carbondale and Edwardsville, 1973).
Franz Kafka, “The Country Doctor,” in Selected Stories of Franz Kafka, tr.
No. 84
Vacillating Individuals, Vacillating Authorities in Pandemics: Considerations and Observations, Illustrated by a Franz Kafka parable and Abert Camus’ The Plague
Sylvia Zwettler-Otte Took degrees in Latin, German and Psychology.
In this delicate task a Franz Kafka parable might help. The parable concerns a man wandering in an unknown milieu, coming upon an authority who elicits by his profession of a policeman an expectation of aid.
Versus the external world, the inner world can evoke the “stillness of the self that is active, searching and seeing,[…] alive and kicking,” as Kohon demonstrates in his discussion of Louise Bourgeois and Franz Kafka. Allaying our immense human desire for safety and certainty is an understandable wish, but this does not mean it can be fulfilled.